After battling Covid for more than 2 years, and knowing that their residents/patients and staff members needed some relief, the good people working at the CHSLD Lachine were thrilled when we approached them and offered to undertake a Healing Art project in this west island long term care facility
Lobby wall 1 - before
As visually striking and pleasing to the eye these after pictures are, the real magic comes from how Healing Art dramatically improves the lives, both physically and mentally, of the residents/patients as well as the lives of the hard working doctors, nurses and support staff.
The reality is that it’s not magic at all. We’re able to undertake Healing Art projects thanks to the generosity of individuals, companies and other foundations. So please, if you like the idea of improving the lives of those who live, stay and work in long term care and healthcare facilities, then make a donation.
Pour le chsld lachine
l'impact est le suivant.
Les patients qui vont
manger dans la salle à
manger du RDCH
trouve la salle de repas
nettement plus
accueillante que par le
passé, les résident
s'arrêtent devant la
mural et s'imagine dans
la forêt.
"Les familles trouvent que
la murale installée dans le
hall d'accueil donne plus
de vie et embellie l'entrée
du chsld.
Certains résidents et
familles trouvent que les
murales donnent plus de
profondeur et agrandisse
Les gens en espèrent
encore beaucoup d'autres,
car cela leur donne le
sentiment de s'évader."
Michel Meyer
Gestionnaire responsable
de site par intérim pour le